Zinc Oxide

About Zinc Oxide

Zinc Oxide produced by Hakusui Chemical (Thailand) Co., Ltd., is available in powder and granular forms with a white color. It is widely used in various applications due to its diverse properties, such as heat dissipation, transparent conductive layer for solar cells and flat panel displays replacing ITO, LEDs, transparent transistors in electronic devices, thermoelectric conversion, and many more.

We have conducted research and development as a total solution provider and manufacturer to meet the needs of our customers for various types of Zinc Oxide. The tire and rubber industry remains the largest consumer of Zinc Oxide. Additionally, it is widely used in industries such as paints, ceramics, glass, cement products, lubricants, and even in agriculture.

Beyond ensuring quality and cost-effectiveness, we promise to provide dedicated customer service as a leading manufacturer in Southeast Asia, with production facilities in Japan, China, and Thailand.

J1 J2 J3
Appearance White White White White - -
Purity (%) >99.5 99.8 >99.5 99.8 >99.0 99.5
Pb (%) <0.005 0.0007 <0.03 0.0012 <0.3 0.14
Cd (%) <0.002 0.0001 <0.01 0.0002 <0.1 0.04
Amount reduced by oven (%) <0.3 0.11 <0.3 0.11 <0.3 0.12
Remaining amount by sieve (%) <0.1 0.01 <0.1 0.01 <0.1 0.03
water soluble (%) <0.1 0.01 <0.1 0.01 <0.5 0.03

Fundamental physical properties

Chemical formula ZnO
Chemical formula weight (g.mol− 1) 81.39
Melting point (℃) 1975 (pressure)
True density (g cm− 3) 5.5~5.7
Hardness (Mohs) 4~5
refractive index 1.9~2.0
Solubility (g/100g H2O) 3~5x10− 4(25℃)
Heat capacity (J/K mol) 40.3 (0℃)
Thermal conductivity (W/m K) 25.2 (93℃)
Crystal structure hexagonal wurtz type


General characteristics

Specific surface area (m²/g) 2~6
Particle size (µm) 0.2~0.6
Bulk specific volume

(powder ml/100g)
(granular ml/100g)

Angle of repose

(powder, degrees)
(granular, degree)

Oil absorption amount (ml/100g) 10~15
chemical resistance Soluble in dilute acids and alkalis
Appearance White or yellowish powder
Main Usage